The Herbal Oracle Academy is owned and operated by Dezarae' Haley.

Dezarae is a Kansas native who met her partner while deployed with the United States Army. She is a wife and mother of four. She has been studying Herbal Medicine since her oldest was just 4 months old (2007) to find relief from eczema that ailed him. She graduated with her degree in Complementary Alternative Medicine with a focus on Medical Phytotherapy in the spring of 2021.

Dezarae' launched The Herbal Oracle in January 2021 and moved her business into a storefront in August 2022. Education is at the top of her priorities along with building and sustaining a homestead with her husband.

The Herbal Oracle is growing in popularity and the services are becoming a higher demand. The Herbal Oracle Academy is a way for Dezarae' to share her knowledge and passion while being more accessible to her customers, clients, followers, and fans.

She can be found on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook.

To learn more, Go to

"I believe that labels divide us and humanity unites us. Everyone is on their own journey, I believe in meeting you where you are at and helping you grow where you are planted."

- Dezarae' Haley, HHP

Clinical Herbalist, Sound Therapist, and Human Design enthusiest


Sustainable Skills
